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The Buyer's Advantage

As the Home Buyer, your agent's commission is paid by the seller of the home in almost all circumstances. This means your representation costs you nothing!

1) Meet with a real estate agent

Discuss the type of home you're looking for, including style, price, and location.


2) Get pre-approved


You will need 2 years of W-2S, 2 Months of Pay Stubs, and 2 Months of Bank Statements. Knowing what you can afford is critical to a successful home shopping experience. 


3) Seach for homes

The fun part! your Agent will schedule showings and help you find the perfect home.


4) Make an offer

Your agent will prepare the offer based on the price and terms you choose.


5) Negotiation and contract

It may take a few tries to get it just right, but hang in there.


6) Open escrow with title company

You and the seller have agreed to the price and terms. The home is effectively held for you until closing by

Submitting Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) To Title Company.

EMD is refundable if the house doesn't pass inspection, appraisal ex. 


7) Inspection and final details

Perform due diligence, order the appraisal, conduct an inspection, and review terms with the lender.


8) Closing

This is the transfer of funds and ownership. A title company acts as an independent third party to facilitate the closing. 

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